
The desire to impose upon the disorder of nature some orderly pattern or arrangement makes men into poets, painters and gardeners; it also makes them prey to the illusion that a highly organized state will be civilized.

Len Deighton

Dynamic Assessment

What am I choosing to read? To listen to? What tasks am I filling my time with? What are the most significant things I accomplished or learned this week? How do I know?

Fenwick and Parsons, 2009, p.100.


Often what’s said is not what’s heard.  How do you communicate so that the message is clear?


“Nothing changes until some thing changes.  Change your position.”  Lofty ideas can concretize into postulated literary monuments.  Authenticity in reflection and true conviction creates a shift — movement — another step in the journey.

– My Contemplation


“Tension is who you think you should be.  Relaxation is who you are.”

-Chinese proverb

Creating a Culture of Reflection

This is what I feel makes the difference between folks I refer to as talkers and those who I feel are movers and shakers (those who actually accomplish something and make a marked difference).  Here is the tall order of authenticity as stated by Brookfield:  “You must make full and continuous disclosure of the reasons for your actions, you must keep your promises, and you must work to make your words and actions as consistent as possible.”  (Brookfield, 1995)  The sum of the matter for me is integrity, authenticity and congruence between my teaching philosophy and my practice.

Here’s to the Journey

Power & Pedagogy in Higher Learning – Journal #12

Tao te Ching #9

Fill your bowl to the brim and it will spill.  Keep sharpening your knife and it will blunt.  Chase after money and security and your heart will never unclench.  Care about people’s approval and you will be their prisoner.  Do your work, then step back.  The only path to serenity.

Power & Pedagogy in Higher Education – Journal #11

Role Call

6:00 a.m.  Overslept again.

5° C.  Armpit 102.5° F.

9:00 a.m. meeting.  Late train.

Morning coffee in the boardroom.

Where’s John.  Missed the elevator.

Take the stairs.


6:00 p.m.  Late meeting.

Rush hour. 

Thermometer 97 degrees.  Two painkillers.

Game time 6:30 p.m.  Where’s dad?

Suit, tie, briefcase and hotdog.


1:00 p.m.  Congregation full.

Motorcade stretch.  Hearse in tow.

Last Amen.  Ashes to ashes.

Dust to dust.  Where’s John?

Dead silence.



Power & Pedagogy in Higher Education – Journal #10

She ran home with joy to share the good news.  “Come see what I have found!  I’ve seen the light! I’ve found the treasure!  Gather ’round let me tell you the thing that is right.”

They did not draw near.  They stood afar. “We did not know you lost that!  The light has been on here!  There has been no darkness to speak of!  Our treasures are still safe, and you weary us with your tales!”

She departed sadly.  Empty, longing for their embrace and wondering, “Perhaps they are right!  Why did I go searching?  What is this I see?  What light is this that guides me? Ahh! Lonely road!”