Blog Contents at a Glance

Power & Pedagogy in Higher Education – Journal #4

Power is strength, physical force and the ability to do. It is control , influence or authority over. One can have power over, power in and power with. It is a tool to be wielded with wisdom, humility and compassion, all in appropriate measure.

These beliefs connect most with the humanistic theory. The humanistic paradigm is based on assumptions that people’s actions are value-based and driven with intent. From the humanistic perspective learning facilitates self-actualization and the achievement of one’s full potential.

Power & Pedagogy in Higher Education – Journal #3

“… I always have a crisis of meaning, I begin to wonder what my life is all about and what I have been put on this earth to do.” (Hooks, 1994) This is what Bell Hooks describes as her feeling or state of mind each time she finishes a project and gets ready to turn her attention to another one. It’s almost as if the previous project was a “call to action” that was answered and having fulfilled that call to action, something inside turns and asks “what next?” Continue reading